Renewals - Getting Started

Howler sends personalised, dynamic emails and text messages woven into your business processes.

Consider your membership. 

When it comes time for you to process your membership renewals and it is time to generate those bills, what happens next is currently manual.  Print that renewal notice. Attach that letter.  Add a flyer. Mail. Repeat.

Slow, expensive and inefficient.  But it doesn't have to be like this.

"Works with any renewal process"

Howler is Different

Howler is different because the moment your bills are ready, Howler acts.  There is no print, no export, no upload or download.

Instead, every member is sent a personalised, HTML email, with the renewal notice attached as PDF and any amount of collateral about membership benefits and the value of association included.  Each new bill generated will trigger the automatic send of your critical renewal notice. 

"Howler does the work"

Driving your membership retention

Knowing that your critical business email has been delivered is the first benefit.

Every email is tracked. Bounced email? Howler automatically sends the email account owner an SMS. Subscription renewal message unopened? Howler knows this. Renewal email read, renewal page visited, but your customer didn’t renew? Howler knows this too!

Armed with this knowledge, Howler can drive member retention by sending reminders at any time. Howler caters messages to each scenario. Howler does this all automatically, without you even needing to lift a finger. 

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